职位: 分析师(物流方向)
1. 对货运代理、水路运输、公路运输、铁路运输、多式联运、货物仓储配送、冷链运输等领域进行分析和研究,形成观点和结论。
2. 在具体的咨询项目中,对物流路径和网络进行描述性、预测性和规范性分析和评估,对运输路径和网络提出规划和设计的方案建议,创建各种优化方案。
3. 对物流行业发展的趋势进行紧密跟踪,关注政府的政策以及影响物流行业发展的政策动态,并分析其对物流行业未来发展的影响。
4. 通过电子邮件和电话跟进等方式,与已有的和潜在的目标客户进行沟通,将 Drewry 在供应链研究方面的期刊及数据信息研究服务对外销售。
5. 协调内外部资源,处理客户订单,负责跟踪从最初的来电咨询到销售、合同谈判、项目执行以及付款等整个流程,确保良好的客户体验。
6. 与公司的客户服务和销售团队(CSST)保持密切联系,根据需要在客户管理系统中记录并不断提升产品及客户服务的品质。
7. 负责中国地区的优质客户的续约和新客户的开发工作。
8. 负责上海办公室行政方面的事务。
1. 具备 0-2 年工作经验,毕业于经济、商务、贸易、港航工程、数学建模、规划设计等专业。
2. 对物流和供应链管理有一定深度的了解;善于分析,喜欢思考和独立研究问题。
3. 具备较强的与客户建立联系并维护客户关系的能力。
4. 良好的沟通技巧,能胜任向客户汇报展示研究成果。
5. 本科及以上学历。有海外工作经历者优先。
6. 熟练运用 Word,Excel,PowerPoint 等办公软件。
7. 普通话流利,英语口语与书写流利。
欢迎投递简历至以下联系方式:ning@drewry.co.uk; chen@drewry.co.uk
Drewry is an independent international maritime research and advisory firm, established in London in the 70’s. Our team serves shipping market in various and comprehensive means, e.g. publication, shipping and port consultancy, supply chain advisory, financial services. Shanghai office is established in 2012. We look for talented people with the right fit to join our global team.
Position: Analyst(logistics)
Key responsibilities:
This Analyst position will be responsible for industry analysis (60%), sales (30%) and admin works(10%). Strong capability across all of the following aspects:
1. Analysis and research on freight forwarding, waterway transportation, road transportation, railway transportation, multimodal transportation, warehousing and distribution, cold chain transportation, etc., forming view points and conclusions.
2. As member involved in specific advisor projects, descriptive, predictive, and normative analysis and assessment of logistics routes and networks, tactical planning of transportation networks androute implementation, and creation of various optimization options.
3. Monitor the developments and trends of the logistics industry, closely follow up the government policies affecting the development of the logistics industry, and analyse its impact on the future development of the logistics industry.
4. Communicate with potential target customers via email and phone call, and sell DMSC's research services according to the product catalogue.
5. Effectively coordinate internal and external resources, process customer orders, and follow up the entire process from initial online enquiry to sales, contract negotiation, project execution andreceipt of payment, and ensure offering quality service.
6. Keep in close cooperation with the company's Customer Service and Sales Team (CSST), and
continuously improve the quality of products and service as required in the customer management system.
7. Supporting the renewal of existing clients and development of new clients in China as required.
8. Take charge of local office admin supporting tasks.
1. 0-2 years working experience relevant with port and shipping market analysis, and a range of
academic qualifications will be considered to make up the complement of the analytical team(business, engineering, economics, commerce, mathematics, programming, etc).
2. Qualified with good understanding of logistics and supply chain management; be fond of analysis and independent research.
3. An ability to build up and maintain good relationships with clients.
4. Excellent communication skills to enable the presentation of complex information and analysis results to clients.
5. Bachelor degree or above. Overseas experience preferred.
6. Skilful use of Word, Excel, PowerPoint.
7. Mandarin fluent, English business level for both written and oral English.
Resume please send to:ning@drewry.co.uk; chen@drewry.co.uk
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