New Silkroad Discovery (探索新丝路) appreciates this opportunity to interview with Mr. Viacheslav Valentik, CEO of RZDL. We thank the coordination of Mr. Jet Young, Consultant and Representative of RZDL in China. We sincerely appreciate the cooperation and patience from RZDL throughout this interview.
One can say that “One Belt, One Road” initiative has already significantly changed the routes of cargo supplies from China to Europe. The time of various goods’ delivery has reduced, including the delivery of auto parts and components for electronic devices. Expedited delivery from China has already essentially changed the planning system in companies, which base their production of components from China. The same changes affected Chinese manufactures. Moreover, “One Belt, One Road” has allowed consignors to reduce warehouse stock and the velocity of money, while making Eurasian continent in general closer to just-in-time delivery.
总体来说,2018年俄铁物流完成了中欧间的铁路集装箱运量达到了108 000TEU。2019年,我们计划进一步提高现有业务量。
Overall, in 2018, RZD Logistics shipped by rail from/to China 108 000 TEU. In 2019, we intend to increase this volume.
Since its very inception RZD Logistics has always adhered to complex approach to providing logistics services on the one hand, we are a train operator for platform companies and work at all three border points: Dostyk (through Kazakhstan), Zabaykalsk (through Russia) and Naushki (through Mongolia). But, at the same time we switch cargo to these trains, being, in this case, a forwarder. Our subsidiary Far East Land Bridge (FELB) is actively involved in this process in Europe and China.
2019年,俄铁物流将继续全面拓展我们的业务,不仅包括新的线路,亦包括新的产品,诸如“铁路飞行Rail Jet”这样极具吸引力的产品利用北京至莫斯科的国际列车的行李车运送货物,全程站到站仅需6天。
In 2019, RZD Logistics is planning to further develop all areas of its business, including working on new routes’ and modern logistics services, such as a highly promising project of the RZD Logistics Rail Jet delivery of goods from Beijing to Moscow in 6 days in baggage rail cars of passenger trains.
This is a brand new service of high speed railway shipments of various cargo, including e-commerce goods, by passenger trains, which guarantees delivery to Moscow and Beijing with accuracy down to a minute. Another service, which our company is actively developing, is a new multimodal transit route from China to port Bronka and from there by sea to the ports of North Europe, including Rotterdam, Antwerp, Hamburg, Oslo and Helsinki. The new route will help to avoid delays at entrance points to Europe and will contribute to the development of trade relations between China and such countries, as Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Germany and others.
TransContainer is a long-standing partner of RZD Logistics. We jointly develop transit shipments from China across the border point Zabaykalsk. Nevertheless, all questions regarding any changes in TransContainer should be better addressed directly to the company.
According to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decrees, by the year 2024 Russia has to reduce the delivery time for containers from the Far East to the Western border of Russia to 7 days, whereas the volume of railway container transit should be increased by 4 times. We at RZD Logistics realize that such progress is possible only by using all functioning transport corridors. By being a part of the RZD Holding, we are aware of the fact that one route will not cope with all pressure on infrastructure, which should be used proportionally and effectively. This is why RZD Logistics is developing all available transport corridors, taking into consideration, first of all, consignors’needs. Our goal is to offer clients the highest level of service and the shortest time of delivery.
Extreme weather conditions sometimes can affect the working regime of border crossings. As far as Malaszewicze and Brest stations are concerned, we really see high congestion there. This can, first of all, be explained by the extreme growth of transit from China to Europe, which makes it hard for the infrastructure of Polish Railways to coordinate such flow. This is the reason, why RZD Logistics is constantly working on new opportunities to use various transport routes to Europe, for example, deliver cargo through the above mentioned port of Bronka. We also continue our work on optimization of all logistics processes. Our company sets the goal to achieve 100% balance between WB/EB trains and we see that the situation is improving year by year. Several years ago, this problem was much more of an issue, but today we see visible improvements. As a result of 2018, the average balance of WB and ЕB flows through the border crossing Zabaykalsk-Manzhouli was 81%, reaching 100% in certain months (for example, in September, 2018).
We can say that sometimes there is a certain deficit of container platforms due to essential increase of transit shipments volume. Of course, the market has been experiencing this deficit for a long time. Nowadays, nearly each operator of rail cars has placed orders for new container platforms’ construction and in the course of 2019 they will be entering the market. Nevertheless, taking into consideration the continuing growth of transit, a certain deficit of rail cars sometimes can be tangible.
Railroad rate consists of 2 parts transit tariff of JSC RZD and tariff for the use of rail cars. The first one has not changed for more than seven years, thanks to the RZD Holding, and presents an important contribution to the development of transit shipments. The second one tends to increase, because of the rail cars’ price. This is just a market factor. Nonetheless, the scale of the deficit is set and RZD Logistics does not expect significant growth of rates in 2019. We, for our part, will do everything possible, in order to increase the turnaround of rolling stock and thereby try to keep the rates at the current level.
As far as UTLC is concerned, this company was created precisely for the development of transit shipments across the route China-Kazakhstan-Russia-Belarus-Europe. We see that the company is actively working in this area, solving all tasks it faces, and we wish it further professional success.
RZD Logistics already cooperates with all these companies and they book trains directly with us. Thus, not only is it possible this is exactly how we are working now. Our company contacts them on a daily basis and they regularly place orders with us for transit, export and import trains. This happens mainly due to the fact that RZD Logistics offers its Chinese partners all possible routes of delivery, unlike other market players.
We believe that for state platform companies of China it is more logical to work with foreign companies, which are the part of national railway holdings. This allows them to exclude middlemen, who increase rates by adding their margin, from transport process. Thus, in case Chinese companies are interested in, for example, transit across Russia, they should work with the RZD Holding and if they need to ship cargo, for instance, to Germany, they need to turn to Deutsche Bahn. If this is a complex shipment, it should be fulfilled by a consortium of logistics operators of national railways. Meeting these conditions will allow to make rates transparent and, as I have mentioned above, will exclude unnecessary parts of the chains. The absence of middlemen will also increase the responsibility of all operators of the transport process, and clients will get a better idea, which party is responsible for what. This, in turn, will influence the quality of logistics services, which is extremely important for Chinese consignors.
That is why RZD Logistics will offer Chinese platform companies its own logistics services as a way to increase shipments to China and from China. These services will allow them to deliver, process and send cargo to/from any point in Russia, not only by rail, but by any mode of transport. Moreover, in order to increase the volume of transit shipments we will continue to further deepen cooperation with such holdings of the national railways, as the above mentioned Deutsche Bahn, Finnish VR, Polish PKP and many others.
俄铁物流全球首席执行官及董事会成员,同时担任俄铁物流在拉脱维亚的合资企业EURO RAIL TRANS董事会主席、俄铁物流下属公司远东陆桥董事会成员、俄铁总公司控股公司捷富凯GEFCO监事会成员、俄罗斯铁路下属公司俄罗斯联邦货运委员会以及其运输与物流分委员会成员。受过运输组织和交通管理高等教育。从2004年起在Globaltrans集团公司担任领导岗位,其中包括NEW FREIGHT FORWARDING担任第一副总裁、北科运有限责任公司担任第一副总裁(2014年该公司被改组成为Globaltrans管理有限责任公司)。
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