KION Group beats expectations for 2019 with a strong year end
KION 集团在 2019 年表现强劲,业绩强劲,超越预期
- 初步的、未经审计的结果显示,2019年的预期已经实现,在某些情况下,情况轻松超过,主要是由强劲的年终推动
- 订单接收总额可能约为91亿欧元,同比增长约5%
- 收入增长近10%,至约88亿欧元
- 调整后的息税前利润增长约8%,至约8.5亿欧元
- 自由现金流约5.65亿欧元
- 展望2020年:对中长期增长的战略投资一年
Frankfurt/Main,January 17, 2020 - According to its preliminary, unaudited results, KION GROUPAG achieved its Group outlook for 2019 and, in some cases, comfortably exceededit. Despite a very difficult market environment, the KION Group's order intakerose by around 5 percent year-on-year and is likely to have reached around €9.1billion. This was attributable to a very good level of orders at the end of theyear in both of the Group's operating segments, Industrial Trucks &Services (IT&S) and Supply Chain Solutions (SCS). Order intake was thusabove the level set out in the outlook for 2019. Consolidated revenue jumped byalmost 10 percent to reach around €8.8 billion and was also higher than in theoutlook. Both operating segments contributed to the increase in revenue.
根据未经审计的初步结果,KION GROUP AG 实现了 2019 年集团目标预期,在某些情况下,轻松超越取得。尽管市场环境十分艰难,但KION集团的订单量同比增长约5%,可能达到约91亿欧元。这是由于集团两个运营部门工业车辆(IT+S)和供应链解决方案(SCS)在年底的订单量都非常好。因此,订单摄入量高于2019年预期中规定的水平。综合收入增长近10%,达到约88亿欧元,也高于预期。这两个运营部门都促进了收入的增长。
Adjusted EBIT islikely to have gone up by around 8 percent to stand at around €850 million. Theadjusted EBIT margin contracted slightly in 2019 to presumably around 9.6percent. One of the main reasons for this was the disproportionately stronggrowth in the new truck business and project business, which have lowermargins. Free cash flow amounted to around €565 million, a year-on-yearincrease of around 9 percent. This was significantly higher than in theoutlook. The robust level of free cash flow was driven by very healthy orderintake in the Supply Chain Solutions segment and the resulting advance paymentsfrom customers.
"We are oneof the leading companies in our sector worldwide and, in 2019, we seized ouropportunities and continued to press ahead with the KION 2027 strategy despitethe challenging market conditions," said Gordon Riske, Chief ExecutiveOfficer of KION GROUP AG. "Building on our successes in 2019, we will befocusing on strategic investments for the future in the new financial year. Weare thus setting the course for our medium- and long-term growth."
KION GROUP AG 首席执行官 Gordon Riske 表示:"我们是全球行业领先的公司之一,2019 年,我们抓住机遇,继续推进 KION 2027 战略,尽管市场环境充满挑战。"在 2019 年成功的基础上,我们将在新的财政年度专注于未来的战略投资。因此,我们正在为我们的中长期增长设定方向。
Preliminary business performance of the segments in 2019
In the Industrial Trucks & Services segment (industrial trucks, warehouse trucks,and related services), the KION Group brands took orders for around 214thousand new trucks in 2019. The significant market slowdown meant that thesegment was not fully able to match the very high figure reported for 2018(down by 1.4 percent). The total value of order intake increased by almost 2percent and is likely to be around €6.3 billion. Total segment revenue went upby almost 8 percent to around €6.4 billion and was thus higher than in the outlook.Adjusted EBIT is expected to be around €693 million, a year-on-year improvementof around 6 percent.
At around €2.8billion in 2019, order intake in the Supply Chain Solutions segment (automatedwarehouse systems) was around 14 percent up on the figure reported for theprior year and was much higher than in the outlook. Total segment revenue roseby around 16 percent to around €2.4 billion. The segment's adjusted EBIT isexpected to be around €228 million, a jump of around 27 percent, and exceeded theoutlook.
在工业叉车与服务领域(工业叉车、仓库叉车和相关服务),KION 集团品牌在 2019 年接收了大约 21.4 万辆新叉车的订单。市场大幅放缓意味着该细分市场不能完全与2018年报告的高数据(下降1.4%)相匹配。订单接收总额增长了近2%,可能约为63亿欧元。总业务收入增长近8%,达到约64亿欧元,因此高于预期。调整后的息税前利润约为6.93亿欧元,同比增长约6%。
2019 年,供应链解决方案部门(自动化仓库系统)的订单量约为 28 亿欧元,比上一年的数字高出约 14%,远高于预期值。总业务收入增长约16%,达到约24亿欧元。该细分市场的调整息税前利润预计在2.28亿欧元左右。
Further investments under the KION 2027 strategy
"Oursuccesses in 2019 give us encouragement as we continue to forge ahead with ourKION 2027 growth strategy," Gordon Riske underlined. "In 2020, wewill be investing heavily in the expansion of production capacity worldwide. Weare also broadening our range of products and solutions so that we can fulfilleven better the specific needs of our customers across all industries andregions." The Chief Executive Officer went on to say that the KION Groupwould step up software development for automation solutions and, at the sametime, enhance its portfolio of energy systems. The ongoing expansion of theglobal sales and service network would also continue, as would the Group'sdigital transformation.
"我们在 2019 年的成功给我们以鼓励,因为我们继续推进 KION 2027 增长战略,"Gordon Riske 强调道。"到 2020 年,我们将投入巨资扩大全球产能。我们还在扩大产品和解决方案的范围,以便我们能够更好地满足所有行业和地区客户的具体需求。KION集团会加强自动化解决方案的软件开发,同时加强其能源系统组合。全球销售和服务网络的持续扩张也将继续进行,集团的数字化转型也将继续进行。
Outlook for 2020
KION集团预计,鉴于地缘政治持续的不确定性和预期的经济波动,今年全球工业叉车市场将相当平稳。相比之下,对供应链解决方案的需求应该会继续上升。到 2020 年,KION 集团调整后的 EBIT 和自由现金流将受到旨在进一步扩大业务的大量战略投资的负担。KION集团将于2020年3月3日公布2019年最终财务业绩和2020年展望。
Preliminary financials 2019 |
Change y-o-y |
Outlook 2019 (in €m) |
KION Group |
Order intake |
~ €9.1bn |
~ +5% |
8,250 - 8,950 |
Revenue |
~ €8.8bn |
~ +10% |
8,150 - 8,650 |
Adjusted EBIT |
~ €850m |
~ +8% |
805 - 875 |
Free cash flow |
~ €565m |
~ +9% |
380 - 480 |
Segment Industrial Trucks & Services |
Order intake |
~ €6.3bn |
~ +2% |
6,250 - 6,450 |
Revenue |
~ €6.4bn |
~ +8% |
6,050 - 6,250 |
Adjusted EBIT |
~ €693m |
~ +6% |
685 - 720 |
Segment Supply Chain Solutions |
Order intake |
~ €2.8bn |
~ +14% |
2,000 - 2,500 |
Revenue |
~ €2.4bn |
~ +16% |
2,100 - 2,400 |
Adjusted EBIT |
~ €228m |
~ +27% |
190 - 225 |
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